If you would like to join in with the cooking, here are the ingredients:
1. Soy yogurt - soy milk from traders joe and starter yogurt
2. Chole/chickpea curry - onion, ginger, garlic, chole masala, boiled chickpeas, cumin seeds.
3. Avocado toast - Whole wheat sourdough bread, avocado, baby radish, arugula, salt, black pepper, red chili flakes, lemon, garlic powder
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1/26/2023 Thursday 7PM PST https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85742275319?pwd=bDNHbkZEMVQxMGFydW9ZV0VhTHdDdz09 Meeting ID: 857 4227 5319 Passcode: 099693
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